Abandoned Train Tunnel

abandoned train tunnel, graffiti, railroad tracks, railway tracks, railway tunnel, train station, trespassing, urbex, vanishing point
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Abandoned Train Tunnel

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Abandoned Train Tunnel - Petite Ceinture Railway - Gare de Montrouge-Ceinture (Paris)

For more information about this abandoned railway line, please read the album description.

This is a NO TRESPASSING area. Enter at your own risks!

This tunnel is in fact an abandoned train station called "Gare de Montrouge-Ceinture", now covered by a slab of concrete.

I took this photo at night and in an tunnel with no light, so needless to say it was very dark. Exposure time was 209s (more than 3 min) at ISO 200, on a tripod (of which you can see the shadow on the track). The only light was the ambiant glow from the city street lights outside the tunnel.

The wavy white line on the left was caused by someone walking in the tunnel with a flash light.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on December 31, 2010
4-16 Rue de Coulmiers, 75014 Paris, France
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