Old Man with Bad Teeth - Shyok Valley - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)

old man with bad teeth - shyok valley - nubra valley - ladakh (india), bad teeth, decayed teeth, indian man, khardung, ladakh, nubra valley, old man
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Old Man with Bad Teeth - Shyok Valley - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)

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Old man with bad teeth - Khardung - Shyok Valley - Nubra Valley - Ladakh (India)

and here is a photo of me taking this photo (courtesy of my friend Manuel Vassalli): photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs210.snc1/7717_159...

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on June 20, 2009
Khardung, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir, India
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