Burning Man - Penny the Goose

burning man - penny the goose, art installation, bird, canada goose, coins, pennies, sculpture
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Burning Man - Penny the Goose

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Penny the Goose, by Mr and Mrs Ferguson

From the Burning Man website: Landing on the Black Rock Desert is a 12 foot tall Canada Goose. Her feathers reflect the sun by day and ground illumination at night. Feathers that are made up from shades of both Canadian and American pennies. The attraction is in being drawn in by the illusion of pennies being feathers.

The year marks the return of this sculpture which made it’s debut in 2013 at Burning Man with only Canadian pennies on it’s back. This year, Penny has been redesigned and will have American pennies on it’s front side.

Photo taken at the Burning Man 2015 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on September 4, 2015
Black Rock City, Pershing county, Nevada, USA
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