Burning Man - Coyote Sculpture by Bryan Tedrick

burning man - coyote sculpture by bryan tedrick, art installation, bryan tedrick, climbers, climbing, coyote sculpture, dusk, metal sculpture, statue, sunset
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Burning Man - Coyote Sculpture by Bryan Tedrick

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Man in the mouth of the giant Coyote sculpture by Bryan Tedrick (bryantedrick.com).

View my other photos of the Coyote sculpture.

I heard that several people got injured on the Coyote (broken arms / wrists and what not). No-one died. Initially the coyote head could spin. I think many people got hit by the giant metal ears, This was the dangerous part especially if you didn't realize the head could spin. After taking several people to the hospital, they put a sign "Don't climb - Seriously", and locked the head. People kept climbing it anyway, since the sculpture was designed to be climbed. Later, the sign was changed to a more adequate "Climb at your own risks".

Photo taken at the Burning Man 2013 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on August 25, 2013
Black Rock City, Pershing county, Nevada, USA
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