Burning Man - Skydiver Landing on the Playa - Umbrellas - U-Man

burning man - skydiver landing on the playa - umbrellas - u-man, burning sky, eel, flare, julie wentz, landing, parachute, parachutist, skydiver, skydiving, touch down, u-man, umbrella man
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Burning Man - Skydiver Landing on the Playa - Umbrellas - U-Man

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U-Man and parachutist.

The skydiver is Julie Wentz. The long banner trailing behind her is called an "Eel". At least that's what Burning Man skydivers call them.

Here's what that looks like from the air:

burningsky.org/forum/v/2007/ChrisNorton_D200_1031.jpg.html (Photo by Chris Norton)

See www.burningsky.org.

Photo taken at the Burning Man 2008 festival (Black Rock Desert, Nevada).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on August 31, 2008
Black Rock City, Pershing county, Nevada, USA
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