Casa De La Moneda - Courtyard - Potosi (Bolivia)

casa de la moneda - courtyard - potosi (bolivia), bolivia, casa de la moneda, casa nacional de moneda, couryard, fountain, mint, minting, potosí
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Casa De La Moneda - Courtyard - Potosi (Bolivia)

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Casa de la Moneda - Potosí (Bolivia)

This is the old Spanish mint where the silver from the mines of Potosí was transformed into coins.

The original minting machines are preserved in a near-perfect state. The oldest machines were made of huge wooden gears and powered by slaves or animals (depending on availability). Later they used steam-powered machines, but luckily they kept the old machines untouched (just in case!). This huge building is now a national museum.

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Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 3, 2010
Quijarro, Potosi, Bolivia
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