Darjeeling Road Cut by Landslide (India)

darjeeling road cut by landslide (india), broken, darjeeling, mountain road, tindharia landslide
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Darjeeling Road Cut by Landslide (India)

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The road to Darjeeling (India) comes to an abrupt end due to a major landslide that happened in June 2010.

View my other photos of the broken road and landslide.

The famous Darjeeling "Toy Train" steam powered railroad was following this road, so the train connection between Darjeeling and Siliguri at the bottom of the mountain is currently discontinued (until the landslide-damaged section gets rebuilt, if this ever happens).

There is word that the Government has planned to repair the damaged road and restore road and rail link to Darjeeling on National Highway 55 between Siliguri and Kurseong, But given the size and extent of the landslide damage, it will probably take years and be a very costly construction project.

In the mean time, there is a detour around the damaged section (via a very steep and narrow road that cannot be used by trucks). Trucks must use another road that completely bypasses this area.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 23, 2013
Hill Cart Road, Cart Road, West Bengal 734223, India
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