Footbridge - Abandoned Hospital (Presidio, San Francisco)

footbridge - abandoned hospital (presidio, san francisco), abandoned building, abandoned hospital, graffiti, presidio hospital, presidio landmark apartments, trespassing
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Footbridge - Abandoned Hospital (Presidio, San Francisco)

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The Public Health Service Hospital (PHSH) is located in the Presidio of San Francisco. It has been rehabilitated into luxury condos housing in 2010, and it is now called "Presidio Landmark Apartments".

For more information about this place you can visit my PHSH page.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on December 12, 2004
Hays, San Francisco, CA 94129, USA
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I'm wondering if you have any shots of the large white whale that once decorated this hospital. The one time I saw this building, the graffiti what caught my attention. If you have an answer for me, please email me at puppetfangirl [email removed - click "Add a Comment" to view email]. Thank you.
thanks for the comment! i met some of your alumnies and we toured the inside of the buildings just before they started the demolition work (see [url removed - click "Add a Comment" to view url]... ). > This is the walkway this WAS the walkway. it was demolished 2 months ago...
This is the walkway that runs from the roof of the old hospital proper over to the back parking lots and the tennis courts. In 1987 and 1988 I lived in and around the hospital while studying Russian for the Army. This was possibly the best 15 months of my adult life. I made friends and formed myself into the person I am today because of this building and what it meant. I hope those who eventually live here treasure this stout old grande dame of buildings. I will always do so myself. I am sad that it was abandoned after the 88 quake and wish I had had the opportunity to roam the areas that were restricted when I was posted there. I will remember the building the way it was when I drove away, and not the way it was abused and defaced over the years. Graffiti may be art but vandalism of a great old building is till vandalism. Just my opinion. Wanted to share a memory of the PHSH when it was a lving building and not a relic.