Old Woman Waiting for the Bus (Argentina)

old woman waiting for the bus (argentina), argentina, boleteria, cobblestones, door, doorway, hat, house, indigenous, iruya, noroeste argentino, porch, quebrada de humahuaca, quechua, red, sitting, woman
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Old Woman Waiting for the Bus (Argentina)

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Old woman waiting for the bus in Iruya (Argentina)

Red is a popular dress color among the older indigenous women.

Iruya is a beautiful but very remote village in Northern Argentina. The dirt road that reaches the village is about 50Km long. It fords several rivers and goes over a 4000 meter pass. Iruya is reachable daily by local bus from Humahuaca (unless rain makes the road impassable).

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on February 16, 2010
Ruta Provincial 133, Jujuy, Argentina
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A old argentina woman can look good.