Strange Carving on Pillar - Ajanta Caves - Ancient Buddhist Temples (India)

strange carving on pillar - ajanta caves - ancient buddhist temples (india), ajanta caves, buddhism, cave, curves, lines, pillar, rock-cut
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Strange Carving on Pillar - Ajanta Caves - Ancient Buddhist Temples (India)

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Strange Carving on Pillar - Ajanta Caves (India)

This graffiti-like ancient carving looks like random curvy lines, but they definitely mean something, since an almost identical pattern is located on another pillar of the same cave:

If you have any information about this carving, please post a comment.

For more information about the Ajanta Caves, read this album description.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on May 26, 2009
caves, Maharashtra 431117, India
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