Toraja Rock-Tombs with Miniature Tongkonan Structure

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Toraja Rock-Tombs with Miniature Tongkonan Structure

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Toraja rock-tombs in stacked boulders - Sulawesi Island, Indonesia

One of the tomb has a cross. Most Toraja people still decorate tomb doors with a symbol of their Holy water buffalo (pa'tedong), even if they converted to Christianity.

In front, a miniature alang rice granary with its typical roof..

The miniature alang-alang is a small, decorative replica of a traditional Torajan house or tongkonan, and is often placed near a tomb It is believed to accompany the soul of the deceased to the afterlife and to provide them with a comfortable dwelling place in the spiritual realm.

See more info and photos of Toraja burial sites in the Toraja burial sites photo album.

See more information about the Toraja People in the Tana Toraja photo album.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on March 1, 2016
Togaruga, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
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