leaves (59 photos)
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Street Food in Leaves Plates (India)
Burning Man - the Leaf Art Car
Burning Man - the Leaf Art Car
Black Lingam - Hindu Symbolism (India)
Nepali Women Carrying Bundles of Leaves (Nepal)
Nepali Women Carrying Bundles of Leaves - Walking on Road (Nepal)
Tea Plantation - Tea Bushes (India)
Dried Tobacco Leaves on Stall at Street Market (India)
Dried Tobacco Leaves (India)
Dried Tobacco Leaves at Street Market (India)
Foot-Bridge - Mossy (Steep Ravine Canyon, San Francisco Bay Area)
Hippie Jesus with Weed Crown - Rainbow Gathering
Paper Mulberry Leaves - Spiral - Leaf - Broussonetia Papyrifera
Vineleaf with Backlight
Lotus Flowers and Leaves on Pond
Desert Lupine Leaves (Lupinus Sparsiflorus)
Manzanita Shrub - Arctostaphylos (California)
Two Women Carying Leaves - Jalori Pass (India)
Two Women Carrying Leaves - Jalori Pass (India)
Old Gregg Costume - Green Man
Woman with Pot Leaves Costume - Bay to Breaker Footrace and Street Party (San Francisco)
Amazon Water Lily Leaves - Victoria Amazonica
Large Leaf - Tropical Plant
Amazon Giant Water Lily Leaf - Victoria Amazonica
Autumn Leaves Costume Hat
Biblical Eve with Apple and Snake
Monophyllaea in Natural Cave
Climbing Vine on Mossy Rock
Diamond Joey Palm - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Tropical Palm Plant - Johannesteijsmannia Altifrons
Buffy Fish-Owl
Buffy Fish Owl
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
Christmas Lights in Ginkgo Tree
Korthalsia Palm - Fan-Shaped Leaves
Sterculia Macrophylla - Young Red Leaves
Merremia Peltata Plant (Borneo)
Plant with Round Leaves - Rubiaceae
Pometia Pinnata Plant (Borneo)
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