logging (35 photos)

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tree logging - tree log - gangotri road (india), bhagirathi valley, lumberjacks, men, mountain road, mountains, rolling, tree log, tree logging, trunk, workers, working
Tree Logging - Tree Log - Gangotri Road (India)
lumberjacks using lever to roll tree log (india), bhagirathi valley, lumberjacks, men, mountain road, mountains, rolling, tree log, tree logging, trunk, workers, working
Lumberjacks Using Lever to Roll Tree Log (India)
lumberjacks rolling tree log (india), bhagirathi valley, lumberjacks, men, mountain road, mountains, rolling, tree log, tree logging, trunk, workers, working
Lumberjacks Rolling Tree Log (India)
lumberjacks using lever to roll tree log (india), bhagirathi valley, lumberjacks, men, mountain road, mountains, rolling, tree log, tree logging, trunk, workers, working
Lumberjacks Using Lever to Roll Tree Log (India)
lumberjacks using a two-man crosscut saw (india), logging, lumberjacks, men, sawing, sitting, tree log, trunk, two-man crosscut saw, workers, working
Lumberjacks Using a Two-Man Crosscut Saw (India)
tree logging on the road to gangotri (india), bhagirathi valley, lumberjacks, men, mountain road, mountains, rolling, tree log, tree logging, truck, trunk, workers, working
Tree Logging on the Road to Gangotri (India)
zil-131 - Π·ΠΈΠ»-131 - truck wheelie - logging truck - 6x6, 6x6, all-terrain, deforestation, log truck, logging truck, lorry, phonsavan, road, smoke, smoking, tree logging, tree logs, truck wheelie, wheely, zavod imeni likhacheva, zil-131, завод имени лихачёва, зил-131
ZIL-131 - Π—ΠΈΠ›-131 - Truck Wheelie - Logging Truck - 6X6
logging truck convoy - honda xr 250 (laos), 250cc, convoy, deforestation, dirt road, dual-sport, honda motorcycle, honda xr 250, log truck, logging trucks, lorry, motorcycle touring, timber, tree logging, tree logs, trees, unpaved, wood
Logging Truck Convoy - Honda XR 250 (Laos)
logging truck (laos), 250cc, convoy, deforestation, dirt road, honda motorcycle, honda xr 250, log truck, logging trucks, lorry, timber, touring, tree logging, tree logs, trees, unpaved, wood
Logging Truck (Laos)
logging truck with large tree logs (laos), 250cc, convoy, deforestation, dirt road, honda motorcycle, honda xr 250, log truck, logging trucks, lorry, timber, touring, tree logging, tree logs, trees, unpaved, wood
Logging Truck with Large Tree Logs (Laos)
logging truck with large tree logs (laos), convoy, deforestation, dirt road, log truck, logging trucks, lorry, timber, tree logging, tree logs, trees, unpaved, wood
Logging Truck with Large Tree Logs (Laos)
ΠΊΠ°ΠΌΠ°Π· - kamaz russian logging trucks convoy (laos), convoy, deforestation, dirt road, kamaz, log truck, logging trucks, lorry, timber, tree logging, tree logs, trees, unpaved, wood, камаз, камский автомобильный завод
Камаз - KAMAZ Russian Logging Trucks Convoy (Laos)
bulldozer used for deforestation (borneo), borneo, bulldozer, deforestation, environment, logging, malaysia
Bulldozer Used for Deforestation (Borneo)
deforestation - rain forest destruction (borneo), borneo, clear cut, deforestation, environment, logging, malaysia, rain forest, tree stumps
Deforestation - Rain Forest Destruction (Borneo)
lone dead tree in cleaned forest parcel (borneo), borneo, clear cut, dead tree, deforestation, environment, logging, malaysia, rain forest
Lone Dead Tree in Cleaned Forest Parcel (Borneo)
logging barge on muddy river, boat landing, borneo, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, jungle, landscape, logging barge, malaysia, muddy river, rain forest, river barge, tow boat, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks
Logging Barge on Muddy River
logging truck with huge logs of tropical trees (borneo), borneo, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, logging camp, logging truck, lorry, malaysia, rain forest, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks
Logging Truck with Huge Logs of Tropical Trees (Borneo)
stack of tree logs (borneo), borneo, deforestation, environment, logging camp, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, vanishing point
Stack of Tree Logs (Borneo)
logging forks on wheel loader (borneo), at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, wheel loader, working, yellow
Logging Forks on Wheel Loader (Borneo)
logging truck - tree logs, borneo, deforestation, environment, logging camp, logging truck, lorry, malaysia, rain forest, road, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, trucks, vanishing point
Logging Truck - Tree Logs
moving tree logs - caterpillar 966c with logging fork, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Moving Tree Logs - Caterpillar 966C with Logging Fork
caterpillar 966c with logging fork moving tree logs, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Caterpillar 966C with Logging Fork Moving Tree Logs
wheel loader moving tree logs, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Wheel Loader Moving Tree Logs
wheel loader with logging fork moving tree logs, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Wheel Loader with Logging Fork Moving Tree Logs
side view of logging truck, borneo, deforestation, environment, logging camp, malaysia, road, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks
Side View of Logging Truck
caterpillar wheel loader moving tree logs, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Caterpillar Wheel Loader Moving Tree Logs
logging forks on wheel loader (borneo), at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, wheel loader, working, yellow
Logging Forks on Wheel Loader (Borneo)
tree logs loaded on a logging barge, borneo, deforestation, environment, logging barge, logging camp, malaysia, river barge, tracked crane, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks
Tree Logs Loaded on a Logging Barge
logging truck (borneo), borneo, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, logging camp, logging truck, lorry, malaysia, man, rain forest, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, worker
Logging Truck (Borneo)
caterpillar 966c carrying tropical tree logs, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Caterpillar 966C Carrying Tropical Tree Logs
caterpillar 966c unloading logging truck, at work, borneo, cat 966c, caterpillar 966c, clouds, cloudy sky, deforestation, environment, front loader, logging camp, logging forks, logging truck, lorry, malaysia, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks, wheel loader, working, yellow
Caterpillar 966C Unloading Logging Truck
decaying tree trunk, bako, borneo, dead wood, decaying, kuching, malaysia, rotten, tree log, tree logging, tree trunk
Decaying Tree Trunk
deforestation - cleared rain forest parcel prepared for plantation (borneo), borneo, bulldozer, deforestation, environment, logging, malaysia
Deforestation - Cleared Rain Forest Parcel Prepared for Plantation (Borneo)
deforestation - rain forest cleared for plantation (borneo), borneo, clear cut, deforestation, environment, logging, malaysia, rain forest, tree stumps
Deforestation - Rain Forest Cleared for Plantation (Borneo)
tree logs loaded on a logging barge, borneo, deforestation, environment, logging barge, logging camp, malaysia, muddy, river barge, tracked crane, tree logging, tree logs, tree trunks
Tree Logs Loaded on a Logging Barge