near infrared (13 photos)
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Layla Smoking Cigarette - Infrared Photo
Giant Concrete Tetrapods - Coastal Erosion Control Engineering Project (Reunion Island)
Daylight Infrared Photo of Tree and Cloudy Sky (San Francisco)
Daylight Infrared Photo of the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)
Graffiti and My Shadow on Ocean Wall - Daylight Infrared Photo (San Francisco)
Pan Playing Piccolo Trumpet
Kinoflex Super-8 Film Camera - Daylight Infrared Photo (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco)
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge North Tower - Daylight Infrared photo(San Francisco)
Daylight Infrared Fisheye Photo of the San Francisco Sky
Daylight Infrared Photo of the San Francisco Sky
Trego Hot Springs - Daylight Infrared (Black Rock Desert, Nevada)
Trego Hot Springs Pool - Daylight Infrared (Black Rock Desert, Nevada)
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