Hindu Erotic High-Relief Stone Carvings - Konark Sun Temple (India)

hindu erotic high-relief stone carvings - konark sun temple (india), erotic sculptures, erotic stone carving, hindu temple, hinduism, konark sun temple, maithuna
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Hindu Erotic High-Relief Stone Carvings - Konark Sun Temple (India)

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Erotic stone carvings at the Konark Sun Temple (India)

The Konark Sun Temple is famous for the thousands of stone sculptures of Maithuna (sexual union in a ritual context).

For more info about Maithuna, go to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maithuna.

For more photos and information about this place, go to the Konark Sun Temple album.

Date & GPS location
Photo taken on April 9, 2013
State Highway 13, Ranihatsahi, Konark, Odisha 752111, India
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